:large-blue-diamond: What data can I get from TikTok?

  • public posts with number of likes, comments, shares and views
  • comments with number of likes and subcomments
  • videos created by the given author



You can search for the data by keywords or profile names using TikTok rule in Advanced project configurator :mag-right:

:large-blue-diamond: What can be monitored with TikTok Ads authorization?

  • your advertisements
  • comments related to your advertisements


Don't forget!

:point-right: TikTok Ads are available for Enterprise customers only

:large-blue-diamond: How to start monitoring TikTok Ads?

:one: First, go to Authorizations and connect your TikTok marketing account with SentiOne


:two: Then, create a project (or edit existing one) to start gathering data. You can do that in different ways :point-right:

  • use Include or Advanced Keywords rule to search for keywords related to the advertisement that you look for, e.g. ad name or description
  • use Advanced query rule with source id operator in following form: k.sri: advertiser_account_id to get all the ads from your account

:large-blue-diamond: Can I filter TikTok results by languages and countries?

  • Language filter: If TikTok mention (post or comment) contains a sentence or common word in which the language can be recognized, SentiOne system will do it :ok-hand:
  • Country filter: TikTok mentions cannot be filtered by countries, because they don't have localization data