Operators and special characters

πŸ”· AND - searches for results matching all the criteria (the phrase must contain all of the given words, while order of the words doesn't matter). It often helps to narrow the results down.

πŸ”· OR - searches for results matching at least one criteria. It often helps to broaden the results.

πŸ”· NOT - allows to exclude certain phrases from a search.

πŸ”· NEAR - searches for two groups of keywords, where at least one keyword from each group must be joined in a given maximum distance. The search is limited to a specific area of mention and is conducted both in given order and reversed. This can be used in Advanced Query mode only.

πŸ”· * - an asterisk allows searching for a string of characters, e.g. for advertis* the system will look for advertisement, advertising, etc. It can be used at the end of the word only.

πŸ”· ? - question mark allows searching for one character, e.g. for advertise? the system will look for advertiser, advertisee but not "advertising". It can be used at the end or in the middle of the word.

πŸ”· " " - quotation marks guarantee searching for the exactly same phrase (as a quote). Contrary to AND operator, the words in "quotation marks" have to appear in the same order to be considered as a match by the system.

πŸ”· " "~n - means that there can be no more than n actions carried out on a "quotation mark" phrase. Actions include: occurrences of other words between the phrase in quotation marks (e.g. "phone that changes mobile (...)" instead of "phone mobile") and exchange of adjacent words (e.g. "mobile phone" instead of "phone mobile").

See the examples of all special characters below πŸ‘‡

The AND United AND States AND of AND America

Will return mentions with all abovementioned words. Words can occur in any order.
Samsung OR Apple

Will return mentions containing word "Samsung", "Apple" or both.
SentiOne AND NOT (Senti OR Senten*)

Will return mentions containing word 'SentiOne' without 'Senti' or 'Senten*' at the same time.
General rule: (NEAR|n(rawText)[word1* OR word2* %% word3 OR word4])
	n – number of max. actions carried on a phrase
	rawText – search in content only
	%% - separator that stands between two groups of keywords

(NEAR|3(rawText)[Samsung* OR Apple* %% headphone* OR charg*])
Will return mentions containing words e.g. "Samsung" and "headphones", "Apples" and "charging", "Samusung" and "charges"

Should you be in need of fixing the order please use (NEAR/n(rawText)[word1* OR word2* %% word3 OR word4])
try advertis*
instead of (advertise AND advertisement AND advertising)
try advertise?
instead of (advertisee AND advertiser)

try advert?s?
and you will get words like advertise, advertasa and more

try program?
and you will get words like programming, programmer (but not 'program' itself)
"The United States of America" 

Will not return mentions with following phrases:
"United States of the America" (because words are not in the same order)
"In United States (...)" (because it doesnt contain "the" before "United States")
"I want to buy phone"~5

Will return mentions with following phrases:
"You want to buy phone"
"I want to buy a super cool new phone"
"I really want to buy an extra cheap phone!"
and more


Don't forget!

Keep in mind that quotation marks and asterisk should not be used in one phrase (bad example: "My first advertis*").
Quotation marks guarantee searching for a phrase in exactly the same form, therefore adding an asterisk* in quotation marks will lead to the system searching for an asterisk instead of different word endings.