🔷 What data can be monitored on own (authorized) Facebook page?
Authorizing the page allows you to get even more valuable data, including:
Page own posts
Page promoted posts (ads)
Shares by other public pages
Public posts where the page was @mentioned
Users’ posts on the page
Private messages
Check out your page performance with ✨ Owned Media analysis! ✨ & get additional insights like number of content views, reach divided into organic, paid and viral, followers growth in time, and target group analysis.
🔷 What can be monitored on Facebook non authorized pages?
Tracking non authorized pages allows you to get:
Page posts
Shares by other public pages
Public posts where the page was @mentioned
Users’ posts on the page
Due to Facebook API policy, SentiOne cannot guarantee to obtain all posts that are published, i.e. posts to targeted audiences based on location or age, posts that are promoted but not visible on the page wall or comments and replies from users with limited privacy settings.
🔷 Can I collect historical data from Facebook?
Yes, you can collect mentions up to last 3️⃣ years! 🎉
🔷 How fast the data is collected?
Data from authorized Facebook pages is collected almost instantly! It will be available in your mentions stream from a few to 15 minutes. 🕐
When it comes to the non authorized pages, you need to wait 4, maximum 24 hours to get most of the data. ⏳
🔷 Can I collect data from Facebook group?
Yes, you can collect some data from Facebook group if you have authorized Facebook account in SentiOne (see how to do that 👉 here).
🔷 What can be monitored on Facebook groups?
- only authorized fanpage posts with comments.
- posts and comments from groups, starting from the moment you authorized your fanpage (no older historical data).
- comments written under fanpage posts published in public groups (there will no longer be a need for installing our application in a group to get these and it’s enough if your fanpage is a regular member).
Read more about Facebook group listening here ⏩ Social profiles rules/Facebook groups
Updated 10 months ago