🔷 What can be monitored on Instagram in general?

Business profiles' posts and Reels with number of likes, but without comments. Media can be searched by hashtags or profile URL.

🔷 What data can I get from own authorized Instagram account?

  • photo or video posts with number of likes
  • Reels with number of likes
  • comments related to your media (meaning: comments placed on your own profile)
  • posts where your authorized account was tagged with @accountName or mentioned by #accountName
  • your own Instagram Stories
  • Direct Messages


Don't forget!

To start collecting data from Instagram, you have to authorize Instagram Business account in SentiOne!

Check out how to do that 👉 Why should I authorize a social media account and how to do it?

🔷 Can I collect historical data from Instagram?

  • When searching for Instagram #hashtags, you can get data from last 24 hours. We recommend you to constantly tracking important hashtags (include them in your project configuration), so you will collect the data over time. 📈
  • When searching for Instagram profiles, you can get the historical posts (meaning, media older than 24 hours can be collected) ☑️

🔷 What are the limitations of Instagram hashtags?

Check out the most frequently asked questions about Instagram hashtags rules and limitations 👉 here

🔷 How can I turn on Instagram Direct Messages?

First, you need to have the Enterprise package 👑
Then, try a step-by-step guide on how to get access to Instagram DMs in SentiOne 👉 Instagram Direct Messages