Reach & Trends
๐ถ Reach summary
Displays the reach of all results found within a given project, divided by sentiment and sources. Reach refers to an estimation of a mention's popularity. SentiOne uses different reach estimation approaches for generic web pages (blogs, websites, forums) and social networking sites.
๐ถ Mentions in time by reach
Shows the number of mentions in time, divided by reach. ๐ Reach refers to an estimation of a mention's popularity. SentiOne uses different reach estimation approaches for generic web pages (blogs, websites, forums) and social networking sites.
๐ถ Reach comparison
Displays an overview of the estimated number of views and popularity for all results found within a given project. Reach refers to an estimation of a mention's popularity. ๐ SentiOne uses different reach estimation approaches for generic web pages (blogs, websites, forums) and social networking sites.
๐ถ Top hashtags
Shows which hashtags users used most often.
๐ถ Top mentions
Displays a ranking of the most popular mentions. ๐ ๐ฅ The ranking is based on the reach algorithm โ the estimated number of views each mention had.
๐ถ Top authors
Shows a list of posters whose mentions had the highest estimated reach. ๐
๐ก For Facebook authors, there are page categories displayed, which are going to make your analysis easier! Facebook page categories describe what a business does, e.g. it's "Italian Restaurant".
๐ How does SentiOne sort the authors in the Top Authors widget? The algorithm of SentiOne takes multiple factors into consideration when calculating the order of the authors. These factors are: the number of posts/comments a given author published, the number of the followers, the number of shares, comments and other types of engagement and the platform the author used. Basically this is a top list of the users with the highest reach.
๐ถ Keyword cloud
Shows the words that are most commonly associated with a given topic. The size of each word indicates how often a word appeared and colour indicates its sentiment: positive (green), negative (red), or neutral (blue). Click on the keyword for additional options.
๐ Can I ignore keywords from Keyword cloud? It is not possible to remove keywords from Keyword cloud, however, you can ignore particular keywords from the project setup directly.
๐ถ Topic map
Shows the connections between the most important words in the project, in order to easily identify topics that are trending in the discussions. The algorithm chooses the most important keywords, but not necessarily the most popular ones - that's why the results can differ from Keyword Cloud widget. Topic map is based on best-scored samples (score is the number which tells how good match the mention is) and not the whole pool of mentions.
๐ธ Size of the node represents approximation of word popularity: the bigger the node, the more important the word is in the discussion.
๐ธ Color of the node represents sentiment of a word in context of the discussion: green stands for positive, blue for neutral and red for negative.
๐ What is the difference between most popular and most important words?
- The most popular words are those which appear in discussions the most frequently (have the highest number of occurences).
- The most important keywords are those which stand out in the results when compared to all results. They might be most popular keywords at the same time.
Word "electric" might appear in 5% of mentions overall, but within mentions filtered by word "Tesla", the word "electric" may be present in 30% of them. This is a huge increase when compared to overall popularity of the word and because of it, it's considered as important in the "Tesla" query.
Updated about 2 years ago