Source based rules


Domains rule allows you to narrow the results down, not extend them. It works like an AND operator between Domains and other rules.



If you search for keyword sentione and use the Domains rule containing, SentiOne will search results only on Reddit.


Using this rule allows you to search for specific website addresses. For example, if copy the link of an article, you get the article and the comments below it in SentiOne.

With this rule you can monitor:
:large-blue-diamond: forum threads
:large-blue-diamond: blogs
:large-blue-diamond: YouTube videos
:large-blue-diamond: Facebook posts



To monitor an exact Facebook post with its comments, you need to copy the link of the post in the following format:
You can find this proper link if you click on a Facebook post in SentiOne.



With this rule you cannot search for specific Instagram posts or Tweets.


Country rule allows you to search for mentions based on their location (country in which they were created).



Be aware that due to Instagram and YouTube API limitation, data from those sources can be missing.


Language rule allows you to search for mentions written in chosen language. SentiOne created own language detection algorithms that combine linguistic features as well as additional metadata, which achieves 99,93% precision in language recognition. We provide support for 82 languages. :earth-americas:



You can narrow down the results to specific language in every project configurator. In order to do this:

  • in Advanced mode simply select Language rule from the Source dropdown menu
  • in Brand or Social Profiles mode click on the languages icon near the "Configure Project" header :point-down: