
🔶 Engagement summary

An overview of social channel engagement. Displays how often content was shared, commented, or liked. Platforms presented on the list are sorted by the highest total engagement to the lowest.

🔶 Engagement Rate

Shows the average Engagement Rate ratio among profile’s posts in the selected period. It’ll help you understand how the profile is generally performing in terms of engaging the audience.

Engagement Rate is a metric used to assess the average number of interactions the content receives per follower. Use it to compare the engagement you generate on different social media channels or benchmark yourself against competitors. Learn more about the methodology behind it 👉 Engagement Rate

🔶 Engagement Rate in time

Shows the average Engagement Rate over selected time period. Engagement Rate is a metric used to assess the average number of interactions the content receives per follower. Please note that it is calculated only for posts from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Comments are not included.

🔶 Fanpage stats

Displays an overview of data for a selected fanpage. This overview takes into account both brand activity, as well as user engagement.

🔶 Top hours of the day

Shows at which hours the internet users were the most active.

🔶 Top days of the week

Shows on which days of the week the internet users were the most active.