Google Questions and Answers

🔷 What are the limitations of Google Questions and Answers?

Below you can find two very important pieces of information if you use SentiOne React for replying to Questions and Answers!

🔷 You can post only one answer per question



  • Imagine that someone post a Question and you reply to it.
  • Later, another Google user respond to your Answer under the same question, and you want to reply to them as well.
  • If you wish to respond again, you can do it, but note that your first Answer is going to be overwritten.

🔷 Questions and Answers are posted as the place Owner

In SentiOne React, you reply to a Question as a Google user. However, in the source it will appear as "Response from the owner" 👉

🔷 How to start monitoring Google Questions and Answers?

1️⃣ Get access

First of all, contact our Customer Support via Intercom or email. 📧 You must be granted access to this feature and they will help you get it 🙌

2️⃣ Authorize Google My Business account

Find the Authorizations module in the sidebar menu, click on the Authorize new account button and select Google My Business. Go through the process on Google's side and voila, you have successfully integrated your business with SentiOne! 🎉

3️⃣ Set up the project

Go to Advanced project configurator and look for Google Reviews option. When you click on it, you need to select your Google Business account. Expand the additional options and make sure that checkbox Google Questions and Answers is selected. You’re ready! ☺️