Supervisor panel
The Supervisor panel allows you to monitor current online support activities. As a supervisors or team leader, you need to know what's the status of all the threads waiting for service or threads that are in progress (assigned to agents).
Thanks to the Supervisor panel, team leader can see information such as: all logged users in specific teams, number of threads on different stages (new, assigned, replied, closed, etc.), average time of supporting thread.
In this module, the supervisor can also preview queues (divided into teams). They can monitor:
- how much time threads spend in queues,
- how many threads are currently assigned,
- how many threads exceeded defined KPIs,
- how many threads are tagged with specific statuses.
The supervisor can take some actions:
- manage assignments - manually assign a thread to different user or team,
- manage priorities - change the priority of a thread (move it from simple queue to priority queue and vice versa).
Supervisor Panel contains four main tabs:
- Overview - which gives you an overview of current customer service metrics;
- Team stats - where you can analyse specific customer service related metrics for specific teams;
- Queue management - which allows you to reassign threads from one user to another;
- Closed services - where you can filter through all the closed threads.
Team stats, Queue management and Closed services tabs are available only for users added as supervisors in teams.
What does Overview tab in Supervisor Panel include?
Current service statis
Table presents the number of threads in a queue and in service in a given team, as well as the number of team members online.
Subject of conversations
The list presents the most commonly used tags in threads served in given period of time.
Closed services
The table displays the key metrics of your customer service process. The data can be presented as average, a median, or a total.
Social media KPIs
Social media key performance indicators, such as:
- Response time
- for posts and comments: time from publication of a specific post/comment to a reply;
- for private messages: the time from the first message in the service to the first response given in this service;
- Response coverage - percentage of posts/comments/private messages to which replies were given;
- Reaction time - time from publication of a specific post/comment to giving a like (e.g. on Facebook)
- Reaction coverage - percentage of posts / comments / private messages that agents liked
- Action time - the time counted for a first action taken by the agent (for example if the agent first likes and then responds to a post, we count the time of the first action, which means liking the post in this instance)
- Action coverage - percentage of posts / comments / private messages that have been liked and/or answered
Service level in time (%)
Chart presents the percentage of services resolved with the required service level. If in a given period no thread has beedn closed, service level would be equal to 100%. The dashed line indicates defined service level.
Service level per team (%)
Chart presents service level per team, restricted to specific source and given time period.
- green - service level has been fulfilled;
- red - service level has not been fulfilled.
Histogram: New vs Closed Services (Average)
Chart presents the average number of services opened/closed during a given hour - values are counted based on the number of new/closed threads from given period, like current week.
Recently closed threads
Chart presents 10 recently closed services for a given source (horizontal axis: thread's closure date; vertical axis: time devoted for a given thread). Legend:
- green - service level has been fulfilled;
- red - service level has not been fulfilled.
What does Teams stats tab in Supervisor Panel include?
Current service stats per user
Table that presents number of threads in service by a specific user in a given team, with their assigned status.
Historical service stats per user
Table that presents the number of threads in service by a specific user for a given time period (e.g. current month), as well as the average time of service.
Recently closed threads
Chart presents 10 recently closed threads for a given source (horizontal axis: thread's closure date; vertical axis: time of service for a given thread). Legend: green - service level has been fulfilled; red - service level has not been fulfilled.
Threads service level in time (%)
Chart presents the percent of threads serviced with the required service level. If no thread was closed in a given period, service level would be 100%. The dashed line indicates defined service level.
Histogram: New vs Closed Threads (Last 24h)
Chart presents the number of threads that were created / closed, during given hour (data for last 24 hours).
- Ratio - indicator presenting the ratio of closed threads to new threads [(closed/new)*100%]
Histogram: New vs Closed Threads (Average)
Chart presents the average number of threads opened / closed during given hour - values are counted based on the number of opened / closed threads from a given period, like current week.
What does Queue management panel include?
Awaiting Queue
Supervisor can check how many threads are waiting in queue for specific teams. There are information about priorities (it depends on the topic’s priority in routing), time of waiting (since it has been assigned to the team). Supervisor can open the thread to check if it’s more or less important and change its priority/assign thread to another team or to a specific user manually.
In Service
Supervisor can view all threads which are currently in service. Besides checking priorities, they can also check who is assigned to a specific thread, how long the thread is in service, what the current status of the thread is. When a thread is marked with red colour, it means that the service level has been exceeded. The supervisor can assign the thread to another user if it’s needed.
Note: for accounts without Advanced routing, there won’t be any threads in the Awaiting Queue displayed (unless you assign threads to teams manually and then they are assigned to users for example by themselves or by the supervisor). However, you can use “In Service” mode to control how long specific threads may stay in service and reassign them if needed.
Updated almost 3 years ago