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🤖 Automate Guide
Getting started
Welcome to SentiOne
Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions
What's new?
Can I edit the search rules after the project configuration?
There are no more available project slots in my account. What should I do?
What is the difference between ‘content only’ and ‘contextual’ queries?
How can I monitor only one thread (post and the connecting comments)?
How can I monitor only private messages, posts or comments from my social profile?
How can I monitor my paid content on social media?
How do I exclude contents from a particular author?
How do I create a Random Sample?
How do I manage projects folders?
How do I analyze a particular author's content?
How can I check how many of my mentions are of a certain type?
How can I analyze a post and all of its comments?
How can I find exact text matches?
How can I restore ignored mentions? Can I get deleted mentions back?
If I ignore a mention in a project, will it affect other projects?
If I tag a mention in a project, will it affect other projects?
What is the difference between the country and language filters?
How many mentions can I export from SentiOne?
How are mentions sorted in the exported file?
What is the Standard analysis?
What is the Owned Media analysis?
How can I customize an analysis?
How many analyses am I allowed to create?
Can I share an Analysis dashboard with someone who doesn't have access to SentiOne?
How do I analyze only one type of mention?
How can I compare different brands or topics?
What is the difference between the Mentions in time and Reach in time charts?
Why isn't all of the data tagged by the author's gender?
Why are there more mentions in the Mentions view than in the Analysis view in the same time frame?
How to set up an alert?
I want to be notified if any new mention appears in my project — how can I do that?
I want to be notified only if something really big is happening — how should I set the alert?
What will I receive in the alert notification?
How many alerts am I allowed to create?
How do I delete an alert?
What is the difference between a Standard and Crisis alerts?
What formats are reports available in?
Can my reports be emailed to me periodically?
Can I decide what will be included in the report?
Can I customize the reports?
How do I create a report based only on articles?
How many reports am I allowed to create?
How many mentions can I include with a report?
What is an AI Analysis report?
Advanced Analysis
What are tags useful for?
What is the difference between deleting and deactivating a tag?
I want to see all of the mentions I tagged with a specific tag — how can I do that?
I want to see statistics for a specific tag, how can I do that?
How can I analyze tagged mentions quantitatively?
I made a mistake and I want to undo bulk tagging. What should I do?
Why should I authorize a social media account and how to do it?
Why was my social media account deauthorized?
Why am I redirected to Facebook instead of Instagram if I click on the Instagram icon in the Authorization process?
Can SentiOne see my private messages or activities if I authorize my account?
I can’t see my Instagram or Facebook channel by the authorization, what might have gone wrong?
How can I add a new user to our team account?
What are Roles useful for?
What are Teams useful for?
What are attributes and how can I set them up?
I want to set up that specific users can see only specific projects, how can I do that?
The Permissions button is disabled for me, what should I do?
I want to limit access for specific users to the Mentions menu only, how can I do that?
Profile settings
In what languages can I use the SentiOne interface?
I handle more than one SentiOne account, how can I switch between them?
What happens when I add my logo in Profile settings?
What happens when I change the time zone?
What happens when I change the date format?
How to cancel my subscription?
I do not have a signed contract, how can I resign?
Can I pay by credit card instead of bank transfer?
Can I pay by bank transfer instead of credit card?
Can I set up a credit card recurring payment?
My current credit card is expired, how can I add a new one in SentiOne?
Can I import my own mentions to SentiOne?
Queries & rules
Operators and special characters
Keyword based rules
Advanced query
Social profiles rules
Source based rules
Reach & Trends
Owned Media
Brand Health Index
Engagement Rate
Influence Score
ADD-ON: AI features
AI summary
AI topics
AI peaks analysis
AI keywords
Getting started
Instagram hashtags
Instagram Direct Messages
X (Twitter)
Google Reviews
Google Questions and Answers
Google Play
How do companies work on Threads?
What does Thread History present?
Advanced Routing
What should I prepare before setting up the routing?
How to set up routing?
How to set up projects hierarchy?
How to set up Priorities?
How does routing work in Threads module?
Approval workflow
How does Approval workflow works?
AI answers
IP based access
Response templates
How to configure and use response templates?
How to add a new template - step by step
How to use response templates - step by step
Service reports
Supervisor panel
Working modes
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